How to Take Part in the Town of Mosman Park's Official Meetings
The Town of Mosman Park encourages the community to attend and also to participate in council meetings that are open to the public, by either asking questions or making statements.
There are two main types of official meetings, “usually” held on the third and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 6pm. The first is the Agenda Forum where Councilors can ask questions about subjects that appear on the agenda. There is no debate held, but comments and responses made at this meeting may cause an agenda item to be amended before it appears on the following weeks Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) for the vote. At the OCM (usually) the same agenda items appear and there might be some debate regarding those items as they are processed.
Questions and deputations made by the public at an Agenda Forum should only relate to an item listed on that meeting’s agenda. However, questions and deputations at Ordinary Council Meetings can relate to any matter the Town has responsibility for.
Please ensure that you complete the relevant .pdf form linked below and submit it to the Town by 12pm on the day of the meeting. Or click on the last button and head directly to the ToMP website where you should be able to complete the form and lodge it on-line.